
  1. HOME
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  3. 【特別オンライン上映8/25~8/31】アンコール☆映画「愛の地球(ホシ)へⅢ」制作費支援オンライン上映 [Special Online Screening 8/25-8/31] Encore☆Film “Planet of Love III” Production Cost Support Online Screening

【特別オンライン上映8/25~8/31】アンコール☆映画「愛の地球(ホシ)へⅢ」制作費支援オンライン上映 [Special Online Screening 8/25-8/31] Encore☆Film “Planet of Love III” Production Cost Support Online Screening

日時 2023年08月25日(金) 00:00 ~ 23:59
場所 オンライン(Vimeo)
住所 8月25日(金) 0:00 〜 8月31日(木) 23:59(日本時間)
主催者 海響(MIKI)Project





Japan Film Festival Los Angels2023ノミネート作品

8月25日(金) 0:00 〜 8月31日(木) 23:59(日本時間)

*上映は8/31 23:59 で終了します。




Our recent online screening was very well received,
with over 900 people registering.
Thank you very much for the many people who signed up and donated to the film.
Even so, we were still not able to cover the cost of producing the film.
We also received many people who said,
“Please hold the event again so that we can tell people about it.”
We have received many requests to hold the film again,We have decided to hold an encore online screening of the film.
*Please re-register if you wish to see this event as well as the previous one.

[Encore] Special online screening of the
film “Planet of Love”

“Planet of Love” 
“Planet of Love II”  
Japanese Film Festival Los Angeles2023 Nominated<Japanese subtitles, English subtitles, Russian subtitles>
* Each viewing time: approx. 90 min.

◎Distribution period:
Fri,25,August, 0:00AM – Thu,31,August 11:59PM(JST)

*Screening will end at 23:59 on 8/31.
Please allow plenty of time to register if you wish to view the film.

◎Viewing Fee:Donation system

*Donations will be accepted even after the online screening end