【Hawaii ハワイ島】コナ 9/2 映画「愛の地球(ホシ)へ」Ⅰ&Ⅱ同時上映会 / 【Big Island 】2,Sep”Planet of Love” Ⅰ&Ⅱ Screening
日時 | 2023年09月02日(土) 09:20 ~ 14:30 |
場所 | Guest House Ku Ke Aloha |
住所 | 79-7179 St.Paul Rd Honalo HI 96750 |
定員 | Capacity of 40 persons / 定員30名 |
主催者 |
Guest House Ku Ke Aloha
※各上映会のお問い合わせは、主催者様へ直接ご連絡をお願いします。 |
Film “Planet of Love” screenings were held onthree Hawaiian islands
Oahu, Big Island and Kauai!
At Big Island
*Director MIKI will coming!!
Screening of the film ”Planet of Love” ”Planet of Love Ⅱ” English subtitled
“Planet of Love II” was nominated at the Japan Film Festival Los Angels2023
Dates: 2,Sept(Sat)
9:00am Open
9:20am Film”Planet of Love”
12pm Lunch &Talk
1pm Film”Planet of Love II”
Participation fee: Donations starting at $10 per film
Capacity of 40 persons
Location: at Kona
Guest House Ku Ke Aloha
79-7179 St.Paul Rd Honalo HI 96750
▼Application for Big Island Screening
Guest House Ku Ke Aloha
Tel: 808-937-8814
E-mail hawaiianhealinghands@hotmail.com
AM9:30 Open
AM10:00 映画「愛の地球(ホシ)へ」上映
PM12:00 ランチ&トーク
PM1:00 映画「愛の地球(ホシ)へⅡ」上映
Guest House Ku Ke Aloha
79-7179 St.Paul Rd Honalo HI 96750
Guest House Ku Ke Aloha
Tel: 808-937-8814
E-mail hawaiianhealinghands@hotmail.com